Win a copy of Girl Saves Boy!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's happened, you guys! My book is real!

No photo will do it justice! It's beautiful! There are sparkly bits on the cover as fairy lights (I think it's called foil but I'm going to call it sparkly bits)! The spine is mauve! The first page inside has a gnome on it! The font! The quotes! My book! Oh my! (When it arrived, my mum squealed. My mum is not a squealer. Then my mother and sister skipped up and down the hallway. I was the most calm.)

And guess what? You can win a copy! I'm going to give one away! (It's international, you guys, international!)

Because I am so dizzy with excitement I can't think of an awesome and original way for you to enter the contest, so I'll give you a few options.

To enter, you can either:
  1. Make a book trailer! Using the book's blurb and photos (yours, or ones from Flickr's Creative Commons, or maybe drawings), put together a book trailer, and put it on YouTube! (I anticipate nobody doing this because it's rather time- and effort-intensive, but if you do, I will love you for all of eternity.) OR you can do a video of you talking about why you must read the book! That would be ace.
  2. Draw a poster or do a book cover! Include a gnome, lobster or a girl with two different coloured eyes (one blue, one brown) for extra points. (That's all relevant to the book, by the way.)
  3. Write something! A poem or a story or a blog post or a letter! About why you must read the book. Or about garden gnomes. Or lobster emancipation. Or awkward teenage love.
If you have another idea, you can do that. You can enter the contest wherever you live (it's international! hurrah!), and if you could email me ( your entry (a link, or attached file) before August 27th, that would be ace. Then I'll announce the winner the day after. (Put 'Girl Saves Boy contest' or something like that in the subject line.)
Please please please everybody enter! And tell you friends! Unless you want the book for yourself, of course.
I'm so excited!
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